We Have The Cure

Once the gunite has been applied, it's crucial to keep the entire shell of the pool wet for at least 7 days to ensure proper curing. This process is vital to the final strength and durability of the pool.

The Curing Process,

It allows the gunite to reach its maximum strength and durability. During this time, the gunite undergoes chemical reactions that cause it to harden and gain strength.

Keeping the gunite wet during this period is essential to the curing process as it slows down the evaporation of water from the gunite, allowing the chemical reactions to take place slowly and evenly. This results in a stronger and more durable pool shell it is important to be vigilant during this time and make sure that the pool shell stays wet.

It's important to keep an eye on the curing process for the best results. Failing to properly cure the gunite can result in a weaker pool shell that is more susceptible to cracking and other structural issues.


Tile & Coping : The Dynamic Duo of Pool Design


Why We Only Use Gunite